2012年7月6日 星期五

What is Traditional Chinese Medicine?

In Chinese culture, it is commonly believed that to juveniles someone’s energy and circulation status or to lower down someone’s agitating stress can be satisfied by using Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Through thousands of years, the practicing of TCM is popularly observed in Chinese society and its influence even covers most regions in East Asia till today.

The origin of TCM bases upon harmony and unity linked between human beings and nature. This is the most unique concept of TCM different from modern medicine which purely bases upon materialism. Through the four methods of diagnosis, such as, observation of patient's complexion, auscultation and smelling, interrogation enquiry, diagnosis by feeling the pulse, a TCM doctor can tell both the apparent and latent diseases easily. Then, he can settle with an optimum treatment strategy and medical measures for each individual patient. The common medical treatment varies with different skills, such as, acupuncture, herbal medicine, moxibustion, Chinese medical message and guiding. Above all, the major and most important concept is that perfect prevention makes the best doctor, cited more than two thousand years ago by Huangdi Nae Jing.

